Device Profile

Modificado em Seg, 4 Jul, 2022 na (o) 3:52 PM

DNP V3.0
Vendor Name: Treetech Sistemas Digitais
Device Name: AVR - Relé Regulador de Tensão
Highest DNP Level Supported:
For Requests: Level 1
For Responses: ______
Device Function:
( ) Master
(X) Remote
Notable Objects, functions, and/or qualifiers supported in addition to highest DNP Level Supported:
  • Reads of Binary Inputs (Object 01, Variation 02, Qualifier 00, 06 and 17)
  • Reads of 16-bit Analog Inputs (Object 30, Variation 02, Qualifier 00, 06 and 17)
Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets):
Transmitted: 292
Received: (must be 292)
Maximum Application Frame Size (octets):
Transmitted: 500
Received: 200
Maximum Data Link Frame Re-tries:
(X) None
( ) Fixed at ___
( ) Configurable, range 0 to 255
Maximum Application Layer Re-tries:
(X) None
( ) Configurable, range ___ to ___
(Fixed is not permitted)
Requires Data Link Confirmation:
(X) Never
( ) Always
( ) Sometimes If Sometimes, when? __________________________
( ) Configurable as: ___________________________________________
Requires Application Layer Confirmation:
( ) Never
( ) Always (Not recommended)
(X) When reporting Event Data (Slave devices only)
(X) When sending mult-fragment responses (Slave devices only)
( ) Sometimes: If 'Sometimes', when? ______________________________________
( ) Configurable: If 'Configurable', how? ____________________________________
Timeouts while waiting for:
Data link confirm:
Complete Appl. Fragment:
Aplication Confirm:
Complete Appl. Response:
(X) None

(X) None

(X) None

(X) None
( ) Fixed at ___

( ) Fixed at ___

( ) Fixed at ___

( ) Fixed at ___
( ) Variable *

( ) Variable *

( ) Variable *

( ) Variable *
( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*
Others: ________________________________________________________________________
*Attach explanation if 'Variable' or 'Configurable' was checked for any timeout
Sends/Executes Control Operations:
WRITE Binary Outputs:

Count > 1:
Pulse On:
Pulse Off:
Latch On:
Latch Off:

(X) Never
(X) Never
( ) Never
( ) Never

(X) Never
(X) Never
(X) Never
( ) Never
( ) Never

(X) Never
(X) Never
( ) Always
( ) Always
(X) Always
(X) Always

( ) Always
( ) Always
( ) Always
(X) Always
(X) Always

( ) Always
( ) Always
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*

( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*

( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
*Attach explanation if 'Sometimes' or 'Configurable' was checked for any operation.

Expects Binary Input Change Events:
( ) Either time-tagged or non-time-tagged for a single event.
( ) Both time-tagged and non-time-tagged for a single event.
( ) Configurable (Attach explanation)

Default Status Object/Variation:
( ) No Status objects reported
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
( ) Default Static Object_____________
( ) Default Static Variation __________
( ) Default Event Object_____________
( ) Default Event Variation __________
(X) Point-by-point list attached
Default Analog Object/Variation:
( ) No Analog objects reported
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
( ) Default Static Object______________
( ) Default Static Variation ___________
( ) Default Event Object______________
( ) Default Event Variation ___________
(X) Point-by-point list attached
Default Counter Object/Variation:
(X) No Counters reported
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
( ) Default Static Object_____________
( ) Default Static Variation __________
( ) Default Event Object_____________
( ) Default Event Variation __________
( ) Point-by-point list attached
Counters Roll Over at:
(X) No Counters reported
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
( ) 16 Bits
( ) 32 Bits
( ) Other Value _________
( ) Point-by-point list attached
Default Frozen Counter Object/Variation:Counters frozen by means of:
(X) No Frozen Counters reported(X) No Frozen Counters reported
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)( ) Remote device time based
( ) Default Static Object_____________( ) Fixed time
( ) Default Static Variation __________( ) Configurable; range _____ to _____
( ) Default Event Object_____________( ) Master Request (see implementation table)
( ) Default Event Variation __________( ) Both
( ) Point-by-point list attached
Analog Deadbands:Configuring Analog Deadbands:
( ) Fixed(X) Not Applicable
( ) Configurable: ____( ) Configuration Software
(X) Per point( ) Using Object 34 from the master station
( ) Per Analog Type( ) Both configuration software and Object 34
( ) Global
Are the updated deadband values preserved through a device reset:
( ) NO
The number of multiple objects allowed in a single read request message:
Number of multiple objects allowed: 19 in Point List
Ability to DISABLE/ENABLE DNP database points:
(X) Not Applicable
( ) Per point
( ) Per object
( ) Global
IIN 1-6 Device Trouble Bit:
(X) Never used
( ) Reason for setting:

Time Sync Information:
Time Sync Period:
(X) Never
( ) Fixed at ______ seconds
( ) Configurable, range ______ to _______ seconds
b) Maximum Internal Time Reference Error when set via DNP: _________ ms
c) Maximum Delay Measurement error: _________ ms
d) Maximum Response time: _________ ms
e) Event data time-tag error – if different than ( c ) :
f) Binary Input Change Events __________ ms
g) Counter Change Events __________ ms
h) Frozen Counter Change Events __________ ms
i) Analog Change Events __________ ms
j) Frozen Analog Change Events __________ ms

Sends/Executes Digital Control Operations:

Count > 1:
Pulse On:
Pulse Off:
Latch On:
Latch Off:

Clear Queue:
(X) Never
( ) Never
( ) Never

(X) Never
(X) Never
(X) Never
( ) Never
( ) Never
(X) Never
(X) Never

(X) Never
(X) Never
( ) Always
(X) Always
(X) Always

( ) Always
( ) Always
( ) Always
(X) Always
(X) Always
( ) Always
( ) Always

( ) Always
( ) Always
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*

( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*

( ) Sometimes*
( ) Sometimes*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*

( ) Configurable*
( ) Configurable*
*Attach explanation if ‘Sometimes’ or ‘Configurable’ was checked for any operation.
**To support control operations and conform to the Subset Definitions, either ‘Always’ or ‘Configurable’ must
be selected.
The maximum number of objects supported in a single control request for objects 12 and 41.
Number of objects allowed for object 12: 1
Number of objects allowed for object 41: 1

Control Points per address:
( ) Configurable
(X) 1 control point per address
( ) 2 control points per address
Do all indices support the same control codes:
(X) YES – Controls codes 3 and 4
( ) NO – attached points list stating configuration ability and supported control codes per point or group of points
Maximum Select/Execute Delay Time:
(X) Not Applicable
( ) Fixed at _____ seconds
( ) Configurable, range ______ to ______ seconds
Ability for REMOTE/LOCAL control mode:
(X) Not Applicable
( ) Per point
( ) Per object
( ) Global
Sends Unsolicited Responses:
(X) Never
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
( ) Only certain objects
( ) Sometimes (attach explanation)
Sends Static Data in Unsolicited Responses:
(X) Never
( ) When Device Restarts
( ) When Status Flags Change
*No other options permitted.
(X) Not Supported
( ) Configurable
( ) Function codes 20,21 supported
Minimum number of events and/or minimum time before transmission of an unsolicited message.
Number of events: __________
Minimum amount of time (msec) : ___________
Assign Class Function code supported:
(X) NO
( ) YES
( ) Per Object
( ) Per Point
( ) Configurable
Is the Event Buffer size configurable:
(X) NO fixed size: _______
( ) YES: range: __________ to __________
Configurable Per Class buffer:
(X) NO
( ) YES
Are the updated ENABLE/DISABLE unsolicited settings saved through a device reset:
( ) YES
(X) NO
Are the updated Assign Class settings saved through a device reset:
( ) YES
(X) NO
Supports Collision Avoidance:
(X) Never
( ) Always (attach explanation)
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
Source Address Filtering:
(X) Not Supported
( ) Configurable (attach explanation)
Supports Multi-drop communications: (X) YES ( ) NO
Sends Multi-Fragment Responses:    (X) YES ( ) NO

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